We like to get dirty...

Children are allowed to be children here. That means there will be accidents in potty training, muddy shoes from puddle stomping, and dirt under the nails from gardening.

We believe in good old fashioned play time that leads to learning vital life skills. There is no TV time, as we spend our time using our imaginations and fostering creativity.

A typical day...

We start our day with breakfast for the early arrivals. After breakfast, the children gather for circle time where we focus on our daily lessons. We offer hot meals throughout the week for lunch, and meals can also be brought in. Together we will read books, sing songs, and participate in outdoor play. Of course, a nice, quiet, comfortable place to nap will always be available!

Our Philosophy - Keeping childhood in childcare

We aim to provide the best care possible for your children. Our home-style, multi-age setting provides a unique approach to the care of your child. Infants are participants in our learning experience and this also helps to enforce nurturing with our older children and toddlers.

We believe in the open-door policy so you are welcome any time to come visit your little one, cuddle and hold, or share a meal. You are always welcome!

...and we love to learn

You'll often hear us reciting our ABC's and 1-2-3's, but we also enforce healthy lifelong habits, such as food choices, personal hygiene and respect for each other. We also focus on educational aspects of learning with emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving, one to one correspondence and creative exploration. We spend as much time outdoors as possible and integrate learning about the environment, climate, and colors, as an example, during this time.

About Us

Our Daily Staff

Deniece Apgar, Owner/Director

  • MS. Dev (Master's in Childhood Development)
  • MBA (Master's in Business)

Brianna Apgar, Head Teacher

  • Bachelors In Elementary Pre-K -4th/Bachelors in Special Education MPH
  • Masters in Elementary Mathematics

 Miss Maddie, Play Facilitator

  • Lifeguard